About Slaynt

Slaynt is an independent publication launched in September 2023 by Kate Lowe. It seeks to promote wellbeing in its widest sense - physical, emotional, mental and social. Its aim is to provide a home for thoughts, stories and ideas related to good health - something Kate is passionate about. Expect content about TRE® (Kate is a certified Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises practitioner); walking; mountains; beaches; singing; having one lung/cancer; books; changing careers and lots more.

TRE® with Kate

slaynt (Manx) / pronounced slent / 1. good health (also used as a toast -Slaynt!)

Slaynt's name is deeply meaningful for Kate due to her Manx family heritage and many, many, many visits to the Island as a child and adult (with her own family in tow). She adores the place! It is an absolute joy to be able to give the blog a Manx connection.

Gorgeous Dhoon Glen

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